Wednesday, 27 June 2018



Disease is the body's reaction to harmful food, this is the body's effort to eliminate waste, mucus and toxins that it can no longer cope with. When the body can no longer fight, it turns off the immune system and calls for help to bacteria for which mucus and pus are the best food.

But this is a barbaric way, like amputation with gangrene, when we remove a part to save the rest of the body.

A raw diet or starvation helps the body to be purified in the most beautiful and natural way. Not a disease, but the whole body must be healed! It should be cleaned, freed from unnecessary and alien substances, from mucus and toxins accumulated from childhood.

You can not buy health in a jar of vitamins or medications, you can not heal your body, that is, cleanse your system in just a few days. You must "compensate" the evil done to the body throughout your life.

Raw food is not a cure or medicine, it's regeneration, general cleaning, the acquisition of such pure and beautiful health that you never knew before.

The average person continuously carries around 3 to 5 kg of intractable feces in the intestines, which poison the bloodstream and the entire body.

Stagnation of slag, mucus and toxins is the root of every illness; the largest and most harmful source of reduced vitality, imperfect health, lack of strength and endurance - any and all disease states. And the cause is in the intestine, which has never completely been released, since your birth.

Virtually no one on earth today has a perfectly clean body, and, accordingly, perfectly pure blood. What medicine calls "normal health" is actually a pathological condition.

The human mechanism is an elastic tubular system. The food of civilization is never fully digested, and the remaining waste is not completely removed. The tubular system is slowly clogged, especially in the place of a particular painful symptom and digestive tract. This is the basis of every illness.

Get rid of these impurities, eliminate them wisely and carefully, and manage this operation only by applying a natural raw diet, a healthy lifestyle in general, and starvation.

Better to be a vegetarian.😊

Eat naturally! Be healthy!

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Most amusing pick up lines everπŸ˜„

    Most Amusing Pick Up Lines

6th June 2018


Today I decided to share something different & eye catching apart from all orthodoxies.
Let's talk about how to pick up any girl casting your enduring impression. πŸ˜‰

1.Do you believe in love at first site or I should walk by again.??

2.Do you have map?
Because I'm lost in your eyes.

3. Is your name wifi because I'm feeling connection with you.

4.Do you have a license ??
Because you driving me crazy.

5. You’re so hot , you must have stared global warming

6. Can you tell me quickest direction to your heart.?

7. If heads :I'm yours ;;  If tails : You are mine

8. You are so sweet and sweetness is my weakness.

9. Are you keyboard ??
Because you are of my type.

10. Do you give bank loan bcz I’m taking interest in you.

11. Is your dad terrorist?
because you are bomb

12. Are you a magician?
 Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!

13. I’m not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.

14. Do I know you? ‘Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend/boyfriend.

15. Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend/girlfriend material?

16. They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well apparently, no one has ever been standing next to you.

17. For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on.

18. Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.

19. I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?

20. Do you have a pencil? Cause I want to erase your past and write our future.

21. Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you’ve got fine written all over you.

22. Are you sure you’re not tired? You’ve been running through my mind all day.

23. Is there an airport nearby or is it my heart taking off?

24. Was your dad a boxer? Because damn, you’re a knockout!

25. I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine was just stolen.

26. Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?

27. There’s only one thing I want to change about you, and that’s your last name.

28.. Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?

29.Hi, how was heaven when you left it?

30. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again?

Everybody Isn't Your Friend

        Wednesday, 1 AM Hey, Let's start it with a question... Is everyone next to y ou is your friend?? NO ... Everybod...