Monday 17 July 2017

Why Terrorism??

                   Why Terrorism??

Monday ;17/07/2017

Hello everyone.! 

Terrorism is often thought of as a plan to kill as many people as possible, lashing out in blind fury against anyone who does not share the extremist beliefs of the terrorist organization. But it isn’t. It’s a strategy of carefully-deployed violence that seeks to advance the goals of the terrorist organizations which choose that path.

1. Capable countries not paying too much heed towards it.!!
There's need to take in congnizence of terrorism consequence keeping aside their self interests. Developed nations taking terrorism as a chance of their buisness weapon deals. #SelfInterests 

2.These sick minded group hepnotise youths in name of Religion, convincing them stating that they will attain Jannat after "Jihaad" 
Misleading them , utilizing their dormant 'Extremineties'among them. #NeedToCurb 

3.Some termites of nations support these extremities in fulfilment of their -ve goals. That's the worst situation for any nation to fight against 'Terrorism'

4.Modern Media Magnifies the Impact 

With the ubiquity of camera-phones, live-streamed footage, recordings and images from the scenes of terrorist attacks are a feature of every major attack. To take just one example, the Berlin truck attack was recorded by a dashcam mounted on a nearby car, to provide footage of the truck speeding into the Christmas market. This amplifies the trauma experienced by the target population.
Terror groups have multiple goals in stressing the target population. 
Firstly, they wish to inflict a sense of helplessness that governments are powerless to stop the attacks, unless they give in to the demands of the terrorists. Terrorists also aim to divide societies, as different factions compete to come up with solutions. We see in Europe and America increased division and hatred between different political groups, with different solutions to the problem of terrorism.

They also have the goal of gaining media attention for their cause. After every attack, news about the terrorists and their goals dominates the headlines, bringing the focus of the world onto who the terrorists are and what they want. This allows them airtime to spread their views. If people are not able to see clearly that the ideology driving the terrorism must be uprooted at the source, they may be inclined to listen to the terrorists’ propaganda.

Terror attacks dominate the headlines allowing the group to get its message out, and magnify differences within the target population creating discord, fear and tension, thus furthering the group’s goals.

5.Some nations latently support terrorism

Terrorism Is Much, Much Cheaper Than Waging War. So,some nations use terrorism for self interests. Provoking terrorists to met their self's. 

We can say"Terrorism has no religion,but why it has no other religion" 

There is urgency to takle this -ve #Terrorism
Really,Need to Join hands to stay against terrorism leaving all self's aside. If it doesn't happen we can't stop #AmarNath "#Paris #London like attacks..


Thanks for reading..!!

1 comment:

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